The God of Abraham, Yitzhak and Yonatan: Alon Goshen-Gottstein talks with Heschel, Greenberg and Sacks, by Eugene Korn (2017)
Encountering Hinduism – Encountering Hinduism Thinking Through Avodah Zarah (2012)
Towards a Jewish Theology of World Religions (2012)
Encountering Hinduism, Thinking through Avoda Zara, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2012)
God between Christians and Jews: Is It the Same God?, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2012)
Towards a Jewish Theology of World Religions, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2012)
Heschel and Interreligious Dialogue–Formulating the Questions, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2009)
A Jewish View of Islam, Islam and Inter- Faith Relations, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2007)
Interfaith Pluralism: Challenges and Parameters for the Formation of a Jewish Theology of World Religions (in Hebrew), by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2007)
No Religion is an Island: Following the Trail Blazer, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2007)
Towards a Muslim Theology of World Religions (March, 2006)
A Jewish View of Islam (2006)
What Do We Want the Other to Teach About Us? (2006)
Eight Jewish Glimpses of Buddhism (June, 2005)
Judaism and Islam: Directions for Dialogue, Collaboration and Mutual Recognition (January, 2005)
Besides Still Waters, Jews, Christians and the Way of the Buddha (2004)
Besides Still Waters (2004)
Beside Still Waters: Jews, Christians and the Way of the Buddha, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2004)
The Triune and the Decaune God: Christianity and Kabbalah as Objects of Jewish Polemics with Special Reference to Meir ben Simeon of Narbonne’s Milchemet Mitzva – Part 1, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2004)
The Triune and the Decaune God: Christianity and Kabbalah as Objects of Jewish Polemics with Special Reference to Meir ben Simeon of Narbonne’s Milchemet Mitzva – Part 2, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2004)
Abraham and’Abrahamic Religions’ in the Contemporary Interreligious Discoure: Reflections of an Implicated Jewish Bystander, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2002)
Judaisms and incarnational theologies: Mapping out the parameters of dialogue, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2002)
God the father in Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity: Transformed background or common ground? , by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2001)
Jewish-Christian Relations and Rabbinic Literature—Shifting Scholarly and Relational Paradigms: The Case of Two Powers, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2009)
Reflections on the Possibilities of Interfaith Communications in Our Day, by Tamar Ross
Elijah at “Encounter” on ABC Australia Radio by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2009)
Religion’s Imperative to Present the Other Faithfully, Part 1 by Group (2009)
Religion’s Imperative to Present the Other Faithfully, Part 2 by Group (2009)
Elijah at “Encounter” on ABC Australia Radio by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2009)
Religion’s Imperative to Present the Other Faithfully, Part 1 by Group (2009)
Religion’s Imperative to Present the Other Faithfully, Part 2 by Group (2009)
The “Hyde Park” Cacophony of Genetics by Noach Efron (2009)
Gandhi on Jesus by Harvey Cox (2000)
Awraham Soetendorp on the mending of Jewish-Christian relations
Dr. Adamou Ndam Njoya on Interfaith Harmony, Elijah
Imam Plemon El Amin on Interfaith Harmony, Elijah
Jewish Theology of Religion: Judaism on Christianity – Raphie Jospe
Jewish Theology of Religion: Judaism on Hinduism, Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Jewish Theology of Religion: Judaism on Islam – Dov Maimon
Jewish Theology of Religion: Judaism on other Religions, Rabbi Dr Nathan Lopes Cardozo
Jewish Theology of Religion: Religious Truth from the Jewish Tradition – Part 1
Religious Truth from the Jewish Tradition – Part 2
Jewish Theology of Religion: Religious Truth from the Jewish Tradition – Part 3
Theology of Religions: Judaism on other Religions
Theology of Religions: Judaism on other Religions, Gilla Rosen
Timothy Gianotti – Interfaith Relations & Islam 1
Timothy Gianotti on Interfaith Relations and Islam 2
Truth – Judith Plaskow and Jeanine Hill-Fletcher (2013)
Jewish Theology and World Religions
Goshen-Gottstein, Alon
and Eugene Korn
Littman Library of Jewish Civilization
The Jewish Encounter with Hinduism:
Wisdom, Spirituality, Identity
Goshen-Gottstein, Alon
(Interreligious Studies in Theory and Practice).
Palgrave Macmillan; 1st ed. 2015 edition
Same God, Other god: Judaism, Hinduism, and the Problem of Idolatry
Goshen-Gottstein, Alon
(Interreligious Studies in Theory and Practice).
Palgrave Macmillan; 1st ed. 2015 edition