A. The Interreligious Study of Spirituality and Mysticism – Religious Perspectives
Introduction to the Interreligious Study of Spirituality and Mysticism – Alon Goshen-Gottstein (March, 2011)
Christian Perspective #1 – Phillip Sheldrake (March, 2011)
Christian Perspective #2 – Metropolitan Nikitas Lulias (March, 2011)
Christian Perspective #3 – Laurence Freeman OSB (March, 2011)
Muslim Perspective #1 – Muzaffar Iqbal (March, 2011)
Muslim Perspective #2 – Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani (March, 2011)
Muslim Perspective #3 – Dr. Hedieh Mirahmadi (March, 2011)
Jewish Perspective #1 – Rabbi Art Green (March, 2011)
Jewish Perspective #2 – Rabbi Daniel Kohn (March, 2011)
Jewish Perspective #3 – Haviva Pedaya (March, 2011)
Buddhist Perspective #1 – Ruben L.F. Habito (March, 2011)
Buddhist Perspective #2 – Michael von Brück (March, 2011)
Buddhist Perspective #3 – Geshe Tashi Tsering (March, 2011)
Hindu Perspective #1 – Swami Atmapriyananda (March, 2011)
Hindu Perspective #2 – Anantanand Rambachan (March, 2011)
Sikh Perspective #1 – Bhai Sahib Bhai (Dr) Mohinder Singh Ahluwalia (March, 2011)
B. Sources and Commentaries
Mundaka, Upanishad (1.2.11-13), presented by Anantanand Rambachan
Siksastaka, The Eight Teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, presented by Acharya Shrivatsa Goswami
Bhagavadgita 7,16, presented by Swami Atmapriyananda
From the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, presented by Alon Goshen-Gottstein
From the Gospel of John, Chapter 3, presented by Piotr Sikora
From the Gospel of John, Chapter 4, presented by Piotr Sikora
Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love (or Showings), presented by Philip Sheldrake
Anonymous, The Cloud of Unknowing, presented by Philip Sheldrake
A Reflection on Faith as described in St Paul’s Letter to the Galatians (3:23-29), presented by Laurence Freeman
A Gospel of Thomas Sampler, presented by Cynthia Bourgeault
From Wendy Beckett on Prayer, presented by Timothy Wright
Prayer for making a Catechumen, presented by John Klentos
From ‘The Cloud of Unknowing‘ ch 50, presented by Timothy Wright
Mumonkan, Case No. 1: Joshu’s Dog, presented by Ruben Habito
Hakuin’s Song of Zazen, presented by Ruben Habito
A Manual for Meditating on the Nature of Mind, presented by José I. Cabezón
Entering the Spiritual Life: the Spiritual Path of Zen, presented by Ruben Habito
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, The Lights of Penitence, Chapter 2, Sudden and Gradual Penitence, presented by Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, The Lights of Penitence, Chapter 3, Particularized Penitence and General Penitence, presented by Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Shaar H`kawwana, attributed to R. Azriel of Girona (around 14th century), presented by Haviva Pedaya
From David b. Joshua Maimonides, presented by Paul Fenton
Jacob’s moment of deeper Waking, presented by Elliot K. Ginsburg
On “State” and “Time” – (Hâl and Waqt), presented by Muzaffar Iqbal
From the Qur’ān: Al-Wāqi‘ah (The Chapter of the Inevitable) Qur’ān–– 56: 10–40, presented by Muhammad Suheyl Umar
From Prophetic Sayings [Hadith]: 2– The Hadith of Gabriel– (Muslim, I, 1.), presented by Muhammad Suheyl Umar
From Prophetic Sayings [Hadith] Bukhārī, LXXXI, 37, presented by by Muhammad Suheyl Umar
From a Contemporary Sufi Master: The Way, presented by Muhammad Suheyl Umar
Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh: Sacred scriptural quotes Forum, presented by Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh
Teachings of Swami Vivekananda, presented by Swami Atmapriyananda
A Popular Hindu Prayer and a Text from Bhagavata Purana (11.27), presented by Acharya Shrivatsa Goswami
Bhagavadgita (9:27), presented by Anantanand Rambachan
Lenten prayer attributed to St. Ephrem the Syrian, presented by John Klentos
From the Lenten Triodion, Monday in the First Week of the Fast in Tone Three, presented by Metropolitan Nikitas Lulias
From “The Elixir” (George Herbert 1593-1633), presented by Philip Sheldrake
Mumonkan (Wumenkuan, “The Gateless Gate”, thirteenth century Chinese collection of koans), presented by Ruben Habito
From The Daily Preparatory Practices (Jorcho) by the Third Dalai Lama (1543-1588). From The Dalai Lama, The Path to Enlightenment (Ithaca: Snow Lion, 1982), presented by Jose Cabezon
The Spiritual Day, Meir Poppers, Or Ha-Yashar, presented by Paul Fenton
Know God in All Your Ways (Proverbs 3,6), presented by Alon Goshen-Gottstein
Selections from Mesillat Yesharim — The Path of the Righteous, presented by Haviva Pedaya
Clear Paths to the Gardens of the Righteous, a commentary on Imam Nawawi’s Riyad al-Saliheen, presented by Muzaffar Iqbal
From the Quran, presented by Muhammad Suheyl Umar
From Ibn Arabi, presented by Muhammad Suheyl Umar
Buddhist-Muslim Dialogue on Global Ethics and Good Governance – Panel Discussion (May, 2003)
C. Reflections and Teachings from Our Scholars
Spirituality of Christianity by William Thompson-Uberuaga (2003)
Hasidism, Sacred Space and Time in Judaism by Barry Levy (2002)
St. Augustine on Mystical Prayer by Harvey Egan (1999)
The Dark Night of the Soul by Harvey Egan (1999)
The Mystic Parts 1 & 2 by Father Benedict, Sheikh Abdelsalam Mennasrah and Rabbi David Seidenberg (1999)
Sufi Mystical Approaches by Jamal Elias (1999)
Sufi Poetry by Jamal Elias (1999)
Sufi Music by Jamal Elias (1999)
Mystical Practices in the Kubraye Tradition of Islam by Jamal Elias (1999)
Prayer and Conciousness by Meir Sendor (1999)
Opposition to Kabbalistic Prayer by Meir Sendor (1999)
Kabbalistic Prayers for Healing by Meir Sendor (1999)
Intention in Jewish Mystical Prayer by Meir Sendor (1999)
Mystical Poetry in Medieval India by Neelima Shukla-Bhatt (1999)
Mystical Prayer: Comparative Overview by Group (1999)
The Mystic, Parts 1 & 2 by Father Benedict, Sheikh Abdelsalam Mennasrah and Rabbi David Seidenberg (1999)
Mystical Prayer: Comparative Overview by Group (1999)
Defining Spirituality and Mysticism – Defining Terms
Defining Spirituality and Mysticism – Defining Terms, Part 2
Defining Spirituality and Mysticism – Introduction to the Forum
Entering the Spiritual Life: Hindu text study (Bhagavadgita)
Spiritual Life and Daily Life, Muslim text-study
The Guerrard Hermes Interreligious Study of the Mystical and Spiritual Life
Defining Spirituality and Mysticism – Addressing the challenges of modernity
Defining Spirituality and Mysticism – Addresing the challenges of modernity (cont.)
Defining Spirituality and Mysticism – Buddhist Understandings of Spirituality and Mysticism
Defining Spirituality and Mysticism – Christian understandings of the Spiritual Life
Defining Spirituality and Mysticism – Hindu understandings of the Spiritual Life
Defining Spirituality and Mysticism – Jewish Understandings of the Mystical and Spiritual Life
Defining Spirituality and Mysticism – Muslim understandings of the Mystical and Spiritual Life
Defining Spirituality and Mysticism – The Spiritual Response to Consumerism
Defining Spirituality and Mysticism -Prayer and Meditation as the Vehicles for Spirituality
Defining Sprituality and Mysticism – the Role of Ritual in Spiritual Life
Entering the Spiritual Life: Christian Teachings on the Spiritual Path, Piotr Sikora (2013)
Entering The Spiritual Life: Buddhist text-study
Entering the Spiritual Life: Hindu Teachings on the Spiritual Path, Shrivatsa Goswami (2013)
Entering the spiritual life: Islamic text study (Quran Chapter 56)
Entering the Spiritual Life: Jewish and other scholars reflect on a Muslim text
Entering the Spiritual Life: Muslim Teachings on Spiritual Awakening
Entering the Spiritual Life: the Spiritual Path of Zen, presented by Ruben Habito
Spiritual Life and Daily Life – Christian text study
Spiritual Life and Daily Life – Christian text study
Spiritual Life and Daily Life, Christian text-study
Spiritual Life and Daily Life, Buddhist text-study
Spiritual Life and Daily Life, a Buddhist text-study
Spiritual Life and Daily Life, a Jewish text-study
Spiritual Life and Daily Life, a Jewish text-study
Spiritual Life and Daily Life, Jewish text-study
Spiritual Life and Daily Life, a Muslim text-study
Spiritual Life and Daily Life, Hindu text-study
Spiritual Life and Daily Life, Spirituality and Time, Hermes Forum (2014)
Teacher-Disciple Relations in the Spiritual Life – A Jewish perspective
Teacher-Disciple Relations in the Spiritual Life – A Muslim Perspective, part 1
Teacher-Disciple Relations in the Spiritual Life – A Muslim perspective, Part 2 (2012)
Teacher-Disciple Relations in the Spiritual Life – Christian teaching on St Benedict
Teacher-disciple Relations in the Spiritual Life, Prof Piotr Sikora (2013)
Teacher-Disciple Relations in the Spiritual Life: A (Jewish) Kabbalistic Perspective
Teacher-Disciple Relations in the Spiritual Life: A Christian Perspective
Teacher-Disciple Relations in the Spiritual Life: A Hindu Response to Jewish teachings
The Jewish Encounter with Hinduism:
Wisdom, Spirituality, Identity
Goshen-Gottstein, Alon
(Interreligious Studies in Theory and Practice).
Palgrave Macmillan; 1st ed. 2015 edition