
Memory and Hope – Summary of Papers and Project Synthesis

Peace: Pope Francis in the Holy Land (March, 2014)

Jerusalem: Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal on Peace in Jerusalem (2014)

Jerusalem: Shrivatsa Goswami (2014)

Jerusalem: Abbot Timothy Wright (2014)

Jerusalem: Swami Atmapriyananda (2014)

Jerusalem: Prof Paul Fenton (2014)

Jerusalem: Dr Ruben Habito (2014)

Peace: Elijah Leaders and Scholars Contribute to World Peace Day (September, 2012)

publ04Memory and Hope

Judaism, Meir Sendor
Christianity, Flora A. Keshgegian
Hinduism, Anantanand Rambachan
Sikhism, Rahuldeep Singh Gill
Islam, Muhammad Suheyl Umar
Buddhism, Michael von Brück, with Maria Reis Habito
