
Knowing God – Through the Lens of Religious Genius (June, 2013)

Encountering Hinduism, Thinking through Avoda Zara by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2012)

God between Christians and Jews: Is It the Same God? by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2012)

Jewish-Christian Relations and Rabbinic Literature—Shifting Scholarly and Relational Paradigms: The Case of Two Powers, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2009)

Das Judentum und die Inkarnationstheologie, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2005)

The Triune and the Decaune God: Christianity and Kabbalah as Objects of Jewish Polemics with Special Reference to Meir ben Simeon of Narbonne’s Milchemet Mitzva – Part 1, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2004)

The Triune and the Decaune God: Christianity and Kabbalah as Objects of Jewish Polemics with Special Reference to Meir ben Simeon of Narbonne’s Milchemet Mitzva – Part 2, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2004)

Judaisms and incarnational theologies: Mapping out the parameters of dialogue, by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2002)

God the father in Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity: Transformed background or common ground? by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2001)

God the father in Rabbinic Judaism by Alon Goshen-Gottstein (2001)

The Triune and the Decaune God Christian (2000)

Judaisms and Incarnational Theologies (2002)

The question of God and Auschwitz (1999)

God between Christians and Jews

Approaches to God in Judaism

Implicit Distortion: Paul on God and gods by Franz Jozef van Beeck (2000)

Sufi Mystical Approaches by Jamal Elias (1999)

Mystical Practices in the Kubraye Tradition of Islam by Jamal Elias (1999)

Vedic Sacrifices in Hinduism by Neelima Shukla-Bhatt (1999)

The Way of Devotion in Hinduism by Neelima Shukla-Bhatt (1999)