
A Christian Perspective on Interreligious Friendship (March, 2012)

The Sacramentality of Inter-religious Friendship (March, 2012)

“Love Speaking to Love”: Friendship Across Religious Traditions (March, 2012)

Mysticism and Spirituality – Christian Perspective #1 (March, 2011)

Mysticism and Spirituality – Christian Perspective #2 (March, 2011)

Mysticism and Spirituality – Christian Perspective #3 (March, 2011)

A Christian Reflection on Conversion and Faith (August, 2003)

St. Gregory the Theologian. CE. 329 – 390

Religions and Repentance – Introduction (March, 2000)

Christianity and Repentance (March, 2000)

“No Man is an Island” – an Explanation by Thomas Merton (1958)

Authority in Christianity by William Thompson-Uberuaga (2003)

Spirituality of Christianity by William Thompson-Uberuaga (2003)

Modernity and Christianity: The Computer by William Thompson-Uberuaga (2003)

Church-State Relations by William Thompson-Uberuaga (2003)

Christian Saints East and West, Themes in Variation by Sidney H. Griffith (2001)

Hagiography and History: Proclaiming the Holy by Sidney H. Griffith (2001)

The Cult of the Saints by Sidney H. Griffith (2001)

My Journey to the Ethiopian Church by Sister Abraham (2000)

Conversion to Faith and Growth in Faith by Franz Jozef van Beeck (2000)

Implicit Distortion: Paul on God and gods by Franz Jozef van Beeck (2000)

Gandhi on Jesus by Harvey Cox (2000)

Two Christians in a Fishbowl by Prof. Franz Jozef van Beeck and Prof. Harvey Cox (2000)

St. Augustine on Mystical Prayer by Harvey Egan (1999)

The Dark Night of the Soul by Harvey Egan (1999)

The Mystic Parts 1 & 2 by Father Benedict, Sheikh Abdelsalam Mennasrah and Rabbi David Seidenberg (1999)

Mystical Prayer: Comparative Overview by Group (1999)

The Dark Night of the Soul by Harvey Egan (1999)

Introduction to Chistianity by Awet Andemicael

Consider Forgiveness: Bishop Gali Bali (2009)

Consider Forgiveness: Johann Vento

Consider Forgiveness: Miroslav Volf

Defining Spirituality and Mysticism – Christian understandings of the Spiritual Life

Entering the Spiritual Life: Christian Teachings on the Spiritual Path, Piotr Sikora (2013)

Introduction to Christianity

Prayer for HOPE – Timothy Wright

Prayer in Christianity, Kumbh Mela

Religious Leaders Pray for Jerusalem – Bishop Howard Hobert’s Prayers for Peace

Religious Leaders Pray for Jerusalem – Bishop Jechim Tabulo Marcutzo’s Prayers for Peace

Religious Leaders Pray for Jerusalem- Bishop John Barros’ Prayers for Peace

Spiritual Life and Daily Life – Christian text study 1

Spiritual Life and Daily Life – Christian text study 2

Spiritual Life and Daily Life, Christian text-study 3

Teacher-Disciple Relations in the Spiritual Life – Christian teaching on St Benedict

Teacher-disciple Relations in the Spiritual Life, Prof Piotr Sikora (2013)

Teacher-Disciple Relations in the Spiritual Life: A Christian Perspective

Truth – Judith Plaskow and Jeanine Hill-Fletcher (2013)