Women want their day
In honour of International Women’s Day, we are posting this reflection. “In spite of precious ancient religious resources that may be...
Lord of the Flies
“Lord of the Flies” was on television last week and for the first time since I first read the disturbing novel nearly 50 years ago, I...
New Years Day
Most of the western world has just celebrated New Years Day – but why now? Why did we choose January 1st as the beginning of the year? It is...
How Wounded Knee Brought Hope to the Holy Land
On December 29th, 1890 more than 200 men, women and children of the Lakota people, one of the indigenous populations of North America, were...
Christmas Hope for All
As a Jewish child in Australia, in addition to enjoying the summer holiday atmosphere, seeing the decorations and hearing the carols in the...
Small Miracles
Being back in Australia for Chanukah has been a strange experience. Imagine that the earliest time for candle-lighting is nearly 9:00pm and that...
Mourning a Man of Peace
I paid a condolence visit yesterday to a friend whose father passed away a couple of weeks ago. It is most unusual, as you will know, in this...
Hope for Jerusalem
On a cool evening towards sunset, a small group of us met outside the Jaffa Gate and hoped that others would join us. It was the yahrzeit of...
On Love and Betrayal
I have just returned from a 5-day event, The Parliament of the World’s Religions meeting in Salt Lake City. The 10,000 participants reflected the...
How Religion Has Failed Me
I have always believed and upheld that the world’s religions provide humanity with ethical standards, with guidelines for successful...