Wisdom Newsletter | September 2017
In this newsletter: 1. Prayer for the Rohingya People 2. Spreading the Word About Religious Genius A. World Congress of Jewish Studies explores...
Prayer for Rohingya
May all beings be happy and secure Let none deceive another, nor despise any person whatsoever in any place. Let them not wish any harm to...
The very Earth Quaked and Trembled
“The very earth quaked and trembled”: this is how the Bible describes the revelation of the God of creation at Mount Sinai. The words read...
Wisdom Newsletter | August 2017
In this newsletter 1. Elijah Interreligious Seminar and Summer School 2. Sharing Wisdom in Situations of Imbalance of Power 3. Prayer as Sharing...
by Rabbi Arthur Green American Jews looked on with horror at the events unfolding in Charlottesville – and elsewhere – over this past weekend....
Wisdom Newsletter | July 2017
In this newsletter 1. Judaism and world religions – Conference in Honor of Alon Goshen-Gottstein at 60 2. Continuing the Friendship Campaign 3....
Wisdom Newsletter | Religious Leaders Across the World Issue a Coordinated End of Ramadan/ Eid al-Fitr Message: Make Friends Across Religions
In this newsletter: 1. Religious Leaders Across the World Issue a Coordinated End of Ramadan/ Eid al-Fitr Message: Make Friends Across Religions...
Message from BK Jayanti, Director, Brahma Kumaris UK on the Grenfell Tower Fire
We extend our deepest sympathy to all those affected by the fire in Grenfell Tower. This disaster has shocked the nation. Yet in the midst of...
Make Friends Across Religions
Elijah Releases the “Make Friends” appeal with the World’s Most Prominent Religious Leaders Many of our readers will have heard...
A Letter to Sister Noorina, Wherever she is
From Mustafa Ceric, Grand Mufti Emeritus of Bosnia Dear Noorina, This letter is long overdue. Sorry, I was scared to write you. Indeed, I was...