• Wisdom Newsletter | July 2018

    In this issue: 1. Memory in the Religious Life – The Case of Tish’a Beav 2. Singing for Peace in Jerusalem 3. Friendship Corner with...

  • Wisdom Newsletter | June 2018

    In this issue: 1. Special Interview – The Vision of Rabbi Alon Goshen-Gottstein’s Work 2. Swedish Religious Leaders Explore Making...

  • Wisdom Newsletter | May 2018

    In this issue: 1. Elijah convenes 600 leaders and pilgrims for a first-ever in Moscow Synagogue 2. New Publication – Luther the Anti-Semite...

  • Wisdom Newsletter | Reaching Community

    In this issue: 1. Thinking of Friendship – the Next Stage 2. Atlanta Religious Leaders Reflect on Friendship 3. Friendship corner 4. Memory in...

  • Wisdom Newsletter | March 2018

    As Christians and Jews around the world prepare for their holy seasons of Easter and Pesach respectively, Elijah offers readers the following...

  • Wisdom Newsletter | January 2018

    In this Newsletter: 1. Forgiveness 2. Friendship Corner 3. Remembering Jonathan Z. Smith ===================================================...

  • Wisdom Newsletter | December 2017

    Jerusalem –  the Sacred Contested City Jerusalem has been in the news this month. President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s...

  • An Open Letter To President Donald Trump

    Mr. President, I hope this letter finds you in good health. And I hope you find time to read it.   Mr. President, I’m writing to you...

  • Wisdom Newsletter | November 2017

    Hermes Forum for the Interreligious Study of the Mystical and Spiritual Life Elijah’s Hermes Forum for the Interreligious Study of the...

  • Wisdom Newsletter – Special Issue – Martin Luther

    In This Newsletter: 1. Luther the Antisemite – A Contemporary Jewish Perspective 2. Review of Luther the Antisemite 3. Eugene Korn on...