International Women’s Day
Speaking Out
International Women’s Day is held on March 8th each year. Elijah marked the day by calling on religious communities to ensure that religion is not used to discriminate against women but, instead, that we apply our sacred sources to honour women.
Member of our Board of World Religious Leaders, Amma Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, released a video on International Women’s Day, sharing a glimpse of her work to empower India’s rural women to improve sanitation and public health throughout the country.
Amma on Empowering Women
World Water Day
World Water Day 2015 was Sunday, 22nd March. The Elijah Interfaith Institute has a proud record of supporting initiatives to provide fresh water to all the inhabitants of this planet. Water is the greatest blessing: all our religions appreciate the life-sustaining and purifying nature of water and hold that we have a responsibility to help all of humanity have access to clean water.
Elijah meets Christian Educators in Israel
When a group of Christian educators from the Netherlands visited the Holy Land, Elijah Board leader, Rabbi Awaraham Soetendorp ensured that their experience included an
introduction to the work of the Elijah Interfaith Institute. The group was most receptive to the program presented by Elijah. READ MORE
Elijah hosts Indonesian Delegation to Israel
Elijah hosted a group of Indonesian academics and leaders who visited Israel in January. We honoured Gus Dur, former Indonesian President Aburrahman Wahid, who was a great believer in dialogue and promoted relations with Israel. He was a founding member of the Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders. READ MORE
Sharing Wisdom
All religions value human life and advocate the best living conditions for all of humanity. They venerate water as one of the fundamental elements of creation and do not take for granted the water that sustains life. Click here for some wisdom from our sources.
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