Bishop Domenico Sorrentino is theologian by training and serves as Bishop of Assisi.
Bishop Domenico Sorrentino
Full Interview
Full Interview
Gem 1:
Preparing Myself to Die, I Sing the Praise of God
Preparing Myself to Die, I Sing the Praise of God
Gem 2:
What We Can Learn from Our Jewish Brothers
What We Can Learn from Our Jewish Brothers
Gem 2.1:
Family, the First Communion in Society
Family, the First Communion in Society
Gem 3:
We Must Discover a New Rhythm for Our Lives
We Must Discover a New Rhythm for Our Lives
Gem 5:
What would St. Francis Say Today?
What would St. Francis Say Today?
Gem 6:
Belief in the Goodness of God
Belief in the Goodness of God