Credits and Gratitudes

Many people have contributed to “Coronaspection” becoming a reality and we would like to express our gratitude and to acknowledge them.

We are grateful for the support of the Udo Keller Forum Humanum Foundation, and for the ongoing support of the Hershey Foundation

– Concept and General Direction: Alon Goshen-Gottstein
– Video Direction and Digital Strategy: Dario Helman
– Editing: Claudia Pedraza
– Music: Pedro Fainguersch
– Admin and tech support: Elisabet Meltvik
– Content Analysis and Educational Consultancy: Peta Pellach Jones
– Web Design: Kati Griber
– Web Consultancy: David Abitbul
– Graphic Design: Liat Hevroni
– Video Analysis and Preparation:
. Matteo Frey
. Oscar Onel
. David Goodman
. Adina Bitter
– Public Relations: Laura Kam

Thanks go to the many assistants of participating religious leaders who made it possible to schedule and process the interviews.

Coronaspection has been featured extensively on Tablet magazine.