Professor Goodman serves as a Board Advisor to the Khyentse Foundation, and is on the Working Committee for the84000 Translating the Words of the Buddha. He is the co-editor of Tibetan Buddhism: Reason and Revelation and a contributor to Mindfulness and Meaningful Work and his most recent book, The Buddhist Psychology of Awakening: Explorations in the Abhidharma, is forthcoming, Shambhala Publications.
Between 1984 and until 1994, he worked as researcher in St.Peterburg branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences. In 1994 he defends his second doctoral degree titled “Taoism: An attempt of historico-religios description”. In 1998 he became Chair of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies at St. Pereburg State University, and in 1999 created and led the chair of OrientalPhilosophy and Cultures.
Torchinov also worked as a visiting professor at University of Sascatoon, Canada. He died on July 12, 2003, in St. Peterburg.